An old friend of LFF, Dan Stone, founded a print magazine devoted to literature and rock n' roll in San Francisco at the height of the tech boom. It would be a non-profit endeavor, no ads, featuring live events, performances, and writings where the traditional boundaries between music and literature would be blurred and blended. Writers would sing original songs and musicians would garner literary awards for the magazine. It was a scrappy enterprise, built out of a mutual love for independent art by all involved. We were proud to be the official film producer of Radio Silence.

Each live event film presented a unique opportunity to blend and bend aspects of documentary, music video, and spoken-word art forms.

"If the Paris Review were starting today, it would be called Radio Silence. And if Melville were starting today, Radio Silence is where he’d want to be. How many journals can you say that about? And how many others do you read cover to cover?"

—playwright David Ives

CLIENT: Radio Silence
ARTISTS: Zach Rogue, Daniel Handler, Jon Mooallem, Tobias Wolff, Eleanor Friedberger, Thao Nguyen, Jim White, Kim Addonizio, James Murphy, Sam Lipsyte and many more.

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Tobias Wolff & the San Francisco Repertory Jazz Quartet

Zach Rogue from Rogue Wave & Jon Mooallem

Eleanor Friedberger, Thao Nguyen from Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, and Van Pierszalowski